Start an energy program
ENERGY STAR is here to help. Use the Energy Program Assessment Matrix to identify the elements to include in your program. Read the Guidelines for Energy Management to learn how to build the program. Read success stories in industrial energy management and learn how others have built successful programs. Join the ENERGY STAR network of energy managers to learn from others.
In addition to these resources, energy programs require a few key ingredients to be successful.
Step one: Make energy a priority for the organization
Company leadership and management need to support developing a corporate energy program by making energy management an organization priority.
Step two: Take responsibility for energy
Someone has to be responsible for energy or little will get done. Initially, this might be the energy manager. Over time, responsibility can be expanded to include a team of people who support the energy manager. To learn how to form a team, consult Teaming Up to Save Energy.
Step three: Look beyond single projects
Energy management is a commitment to manage energy across all operations -- more than just a few energy projects. Shift the thinking from completing projects here and there to creating an energy management program that is able to sustain savings for the long run.
Step four: Make the case
To sell the value of an energy program, you need make the business case for energy management and why it’s worth the time and effort. Read more about making the business case for energy efficiency.