Resources by Audience
Below you will find resources specific to the various types of people and organizations that make up the ENERGY STAR program for commercial buildings. The information contained here complements the key information and resources available in our benchmark, save energy, and earn recognition sections. Can't find what you are looking for? Try browsing our resources by topic or our FAQs.
Solution Providers
Leverage ENERGY STAR to help your clients save energy.
Verify applications for ENERGY STAR recognition.
Energy Influencers
Maximize result of your C&I Programs with help from ENERGY STAR.
Find guidance and support for commercial building energy policies.
Energy Users
Reduce your building’s energy use, utility bills, and greenhouse gas emissions.
Save money, reduce your carbon footprint, and earn recognition.
Use our free tools and resources to help you cut your energy costs.
Find resources and energy-saving guidance specifically for houses of worship.
Find resources and energy-saving guidance specifically for higher education.
Use our energy- and water-saving tools specifically for apartment and condo buildings.
Find resources and energy-saving guidance specifically for small and mid-sized offices.
Learn how to strategically manage your plant’s energy use and control costs.
Find resources and energy-saving guidance specifically for K-12 schools.