Product Brand Owners: Join
To become a partner with ENERGY STAR:
1. Determine Partnership Eligibility
The U.S. EPA partners with brand owners that wish to sell products as ENERGY STAR in the U.S and/or Canada. Product Brand Owner partners may be both a manufacturer and a brand owner, or solely own the brand. Partnership is not available to manufacturers or distributors that do not sell directly to consumers. Products eligible for the ENERGY STAR program include the following categories:
- Appliances
- Commercial Food Service Equipment
- Electronics and Office Equipment
- Heating and Cooling
- Lighting and Fans
- Home Building Materials
See the ENERGY STAR partner commitments and product specifications for information about eligible product types and product performance criteria.
2. Download and review the ENERGY STAR Partnership Agreement (PDF, 298 KB)
Once you have reviewed the Agreement, fill out the fields on page 1. Sign the Partnership Agreement by checking the authorization box, entering the date of signature, and entering the contact information of the signatory on page 3. If you are already an ENERGY STAR partner and wish to expand your partnership with ENERGY STAR, please contact Window, door, or skylight brand owners should contact to request a partnership application.
3. Download and complete the ENERGY STAR Brand Owner Participation Form (PDF, 888 KB)
Check off the appropriate box(es) to indicate the product category(ies) for which you intend to sell ENERGY STAR certified products. Fill out the contact information for your organization’s ENERGY STAR partnership on page 2. All contacts listed on this page will receive ENERGY STAR correspondence for the appropriate products category(ies). The primary contact will serve as the main contact for the organization’s ENERGY STAR Partnership. If this page is left intentionally blank, the responsible agent listed in the Partnership Agreement will serve as the primary contact.
4. Return the Partnership Agreement and Participation Form
Return the completed forms to If you are unable to send the document by email, please send a hard copy to:
Arlington, VA, USA 22202
A copy of the signed Partnership Agreement will be returned to you for your records.