Portfolio Manager

Portfolio Manager Technical Reference: Data Explorer

First page of Data Explorer Technical Reference

The ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager Data Explorer houses energy data for over 150,000 U.S. commercial, multifamily, and single-family properties. The Data Explorer allows users to query this data and explore energy metrics such as Energy Use Intensity (EUI), ENERGY STAR Score, and Percent Electricity across a wide range of property types and characteristics. A variety of filters and metric display options provide customizable results. The tool is available at https://portfoliomanager.energystar.gov/dataExplorer.

ENERGY STAR Score for K-12 Schools

The ENERGY STAR Score for K-12 Schools applies to buildings or campuses used as a school for kindergarten through 12th grade students. The objective of the ENERGY STAR score is to provide a fair assessment of the energy performance of a property relative to its peers, taking into account the climate, weather, and business activities at the property. To identify the aspects of building activity that are significant drivers of energy use and then normalize for those factors, a statistical analysis of the peer building population is performed.

ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager Multi-Factor Authentication User Guide

Page 1 of MFA Guide

This 4-page guide explains the process for opting in to use MFA for your Portfolio Manager account and a change to the login screen for all users. 


The EPA rolled out optional Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for Portfolio Manager users in October 2024. MFA is an authentication method that requires two or more verification factors to gain access to a resource, such as a software tool like Portfolio Manager. The EPA offers MFA as an optional Portfolio Manager login method using Login.gov as the authenticator application.  

Portfolio Manager Data Explorer User Guide

This guide introduces the features of the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager Data Explorer, which enables users to explore aggregated, anonymized data from EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager. It includes examples (at the end of the guide), demonstrating how to combine specific filters to get the most out of the data.

The Portfolio Manager Data Explorer offers a variety of metrics, and users can quickly see how the energy use of buildings varies based on the type of building, where it is located, its size, and other filters. Users can also download results for further analysis.

Technical Reference: ENERGY STAR Score for U.S. Vehicle Dealerships

This document presents details on the development of the 1 – 100 ENERGY STAR Score for vehicle dealerships, which applies to buildings used for the sale of new or used light-, medium- and heavy-duty cars and trucks. The objective of the ENERGY STAR score is to provide a fair assessment of the energy performance of a property relative to its peers, considering the climate, weather, and business activities at the property.

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