Portfolio Manager Technical Reference: Data Explorer
Last Updated: 11-17-2024
The ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager Data Explorer houses energy data for over 150,000 U.S. commercial, multifamily, and single-family properties. The Data Explorer allows users to query this data and explore energy metrics such as Energy Use Intensity (EUI), ENERGY STAR Score, and Percent Electricity across a wide range of property types and characteristics. A variety of filters and metric display options provide customizable results. The tool is available at https://portfoliomanager.energystar.gov/dataExplorer.
Example use cases include:
- Researchers who want to see the distribution of ENERGY STAR scores for K-12 schools across the country and on a regional/state basis.
- Owners who want to see how their property compares with others of similar size and age.
- Policy makers who want to look at average EUI values in their state for each major property type.
Data in the Portfolio Manager Data Explorer comes from EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager benchmarking tool. In addition to energy use information, users of Portfolio Manager enter physical and operational property characteristics in order to generate certain metrics. Individual Portfolio Manager account holders enter data voluntarily in most cases. EPA does not verify data entered in Portfolio Manager except for properties applying for ENERGY STAR Certification (under 10,000 properties per year). For the Data Explorer, EPA conducted a rigorous data cleaning process to identify test properties, duplicate properties, and entries with inaccurate data.
The Data Explorer’s features include the ability to:
- Filter data by numerous characteristics, such as property type, size, location, age, and more.
- View results as a table or chart, including ranges, medians, and percentile values based on the filters applied.
- To ensure privacy, only aggregate results are displayed and searching for an individual property is not possible. A query must return 6 or more properties to show aggregated results.
- Download results in XLS, CSV, and JSON formats.
EPA will add a new year’s worth of data to the Data Explorer annually, with a 1-2-year lag. For example, 2022 calendar year data will be released in 2024.
This document provides an overview of the final dataset used in the Data Explorer and a technical explanation of the data cleaning process.
Download the Portfolio Manager Technical Reference: Data Explorer. (PDF, 248.6 KB)