Portfolio Manager

ENERGY STAR Score for Single-Family Homes in the United States

The 1 – 100 ENERGY STAR score for Single-Family Homes applies to single-family detached and attached homes. The objective of the ENERGY STAR score is to provide a fair assessment of the energy performance of a property relative to its peers, taking into account the climate, weather, and activities at the property. To identify the aspects of building activity that are significant drivers of energy use and then normalize for those factors, a statistical analysis of the peer building population is performed.

Building Emissions Calculator: Technical Reference

This 10-page document provides a technical overview of the calculation methodology underlying the Building Emissions Calculator. The methodology is described in two main sections:

  1. Calculation of annual current/historical emissions for standard greenhouse gas emission accounting categories
  2. Calculation of annual emissions for a forecast year, based on user-specified assumptions, for the same accounting categories

This document also includes emissions-factor lookup tables in the appendix.

Building Emissions Calculator: User Guide

This 18-page user guide for the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager Building Emissions Calculator shows you how to get your data into the tool (including by direct import from Portfolio Manager) and how to use its features. Sections include:

  1. Getting Data into The Building Emissions Calculator .
  2. Reviewing Your Metrics
  3. Adjusting Emissions Factors
  4. Exporting Baseline Emissions Results
  5. Calculating Your Emissions Forecast
  6. Exporting Forecast Emissions Results

How to Benchmark Properties with Offsite Green Power in Portfolio Manager

First page of How To guide

This 6-page document lays out the steps to track the use of offsite renewable energy at your building to obtain accurate metrics for energy and emissions performance. You can track the purchase, consumption, and emissions impact of offsite renewable energy---including bundled green power products and unbundled renewable energy certificates (RECs)---in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager. 

ENERGY STAR Score for Retail Stores in Canada

The ENERGY STAR score for retail stores applies to both retail stores and wholesale club/supercenters. The objective of the ENERGY STAR score is meant to fairly assess how a property’s energy use measures up against similar properties considering the climate and business activities. A statistical analysis of the peer population is performed to identify the aspects of property activity that are significant drivers of energy use and to normalize for those same factors. The result of this analysis is an equation that predicts the energy use of a property, based on its business activities.

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