The ENERGY STAR score provides a fair assessment of the energy performance of a property relative to its peers, accounting for climate, weather, and business activities at the property. Parking areas are not eligible to earn the ENERGY STAR score. However, because parking is a common amenity at other commercial building types (e.g., offices and hotels), the ENERGY STAR score does make adjustments to accommodate for the presence of parking. The goal of the ENERGY STAR score is to rate the energy performance of the primary use of the building, not the parking.
- Technical Approach. The engineered model described in this document provides estimated energy use for parking. Subtracting this estimated energy use from the building’s actual energy use yields an estimate of energy use of the building without parking. This allows the building to be evaluated as though it does not have parking.
- Property Types. Parking areas can be entered for all property types and adjustments will be incorporated into the ENERGY STAR score for eligible property types. This includes open parking lots, completely enclosed or underground parking garages (with walls on all sides), and partially enclosed parking garages. If the energy consumption of parking areas is separately metered from the main facility with which it is associated, it does not need to be entered into Portfolio Manager.
- Adjustments. The parking adjustment model is based on engineered assumptions regarding basic energy requirements for parking and includes:
- Lighting Energy. Lighting is required for all parking areas, with power density and hours of operation that vary by the type of parking.
- Ventilation Energy. Ventilation is required for fully enclosed parking structures that have no access to natural ventilation.
- Heating Energy. Heating may be provided in enclosed parking garages in very cold climates.
- Release Date. The model is updated periodically as industry standards for design and operation are updated and as better engineering data becomes available:
- Most Recent Update: August 2023
- Previous Updates: August 2018, July 2013
- Original Release: June 2001
This document presents details on how the ENERGY STAR score accounts for parking. More information on the overall approach to develop ENERGY STAR scores is covered in our Technical Reference for the ENERGY STAR Score.
Download more information about the ENERGY STAR requirements for parking here. (PDF, 1.5 MB)