
ENERGY STAR Score for Retail Stores in Canada

The ENERGY STAR score for retail stores applies to both retail stores and wholesale club/supercenters. The objective of the ENERGY STAR score is meant to fairly assess how a property’s energy use measures up against similar properties considering the climate and business activities. A statistical analysis of the peer population is performed to identify the aspects of property activity that are significant drivers of energy use and to normalize for those same factors. The result of this analysis is an equation that predicts the energy use of a property, based on its business activities.

DataTrends: Energy Use in Supermarkets

This 2-page factsheet summarizes the energy, operational, and property characteristics of supermarkets benchmarking in Portfolio Manager. Other statistics are also presented in an easy-to-read format.

The factsheet is part of the Portfolio Manager DataTrends series, which uses the data available in Portfolio Manager to examine benchmarking and trends in energy and water consumption in hundreds of thousands of U.S. commercial buildings.

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