
ENERGY STAR Success Story: Kohl’s Department Stores

Learn how, since January 2007, Kohl’s has used EPA’s ENERGY STAR measurement and tracking tool, Portfolio Manager, to benchmark the energy performance for all of its stores. Kohl’s has a longstanding commitment to energy management and estimates that the company prevented nearly $50 million in electricity costs over the last four years through energy efficiency programs which, accounting for rate variations, have translated into an improvement in energy efficiency of more than 20 percent, primarily in stores.

Sears Holdings Corporation’s Environmental Policy Statement

Creating an energy policy is a key step in formalizing your organization's commitment to saving energy. After all, you’ll be much more likely to achieve lasting results when energy efficiency is integrated as a core element of your organization’s business practices.

Signed in June 2009, Sears Holdings Corporation’s environmental policy statement outlines its commitment to:

DataTrends: Energy Use in Retail Stores

This 2-page factsheet summarizes the energy, operational, and property characteristics of retail stores benchmarking in Portfolio Manager. Other statistics are also presented in an easy-to-read format.

The factsheet is part of the Portfolio Manager DataTrends series, which uses the data available in Portfolio Manager to examine benchmarking and trends in energy and water consumption in hundreds of thousands of U.S. commercial buildings.

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