Small business

ENERGY STAR Cuaderno de acción para las empresas pequeñas

Este documento de dos páginas resume el Cuadernillo de ENERGY STAR para la pequeña empresa y es útil para personas quien quieren un resumen del siete paso estrategia de ENERGY STAR para conservar energía en su empresa pequeña. Para las empresas interesadas en implementar esta estrategia, recomendamos descargar el Cuadernillo de ENERGY STAR para la pequeña completa.

ENERGY STAR® Energy Efficiency Opportunities for Your Restaurant

Use this two-page document to find specific advice on how restaurants can save money by following ENERGY STAR guidance. This resource is intended to complement and build upon the guidance provided in the ENERGY STAR Small Business Action Workbook, with a focus on the commercial food service facility type.

The factsheet provides tips on cutting down on energy usage and links to additional ENERGY STAR resources for restaurants.

Energy Savings Tips for Small Businesses: Small and Medium Manufacturers

Use this six-page document to find specific advice on how small and medium manufacturers can become more energy efficient, which is critical for sustaining a successful manufacturing operation. This resource is intended to complement and build upon the guidance provided in the ENERGY STAR® Small Business Action Workbook, with a focus on the small and medium manufacturer facility type.

In addition to energy saving tips, Energy Savings Tips for Small Businesses: Small and Medium Manufacturers provides guidance on how to profile your energy use and links to additional resources.

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