
Team Your Brand with the ENERGY STAR® Action Workbook: Co-branding Opportunities

The ENERGY STAR Action Workbooks (and associated appendices) are resources that help walk Small Businesses and Congregations through the ENERGY STAR Guidelines for Energy Management. These workbooks provide sector-specific technical information and strategies to help individuals create a tailored energy efficiency plan that works for their organization.

ENERGY STAR Cuaderno de resumen para las congregaciones

Este documento resume el Cuadernillo de ENERGY STAR para congregaciones. El Cuaderno de acción para las congregaciones es intento de servir como un recurso y guía de planificación para el  clero, empleos, y miembros de lugares de culto quien quieren de crecer la eficiencia de energía de sus instalaciones por implementar proyectos de mejoramiento de energía realísticos y rentables.

DataTrends: Energy Use in Worship Facilities

This 2-page factsheet summarizes the energy, operational, and property characteristics of worship facilities benchmarking in Portfolio Manager. Other statistics are also presented in an easy-to-read format.

The factsheet is part of the Portfolio Manager DataTrends series, which uses the data available in Portfolio Manager to examine benchmarking and trends in energy and water consumption in hundreds of thousands of U.S. commercial buildings.

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