Urban Land Institute
District of Columbia
Partner of the Year - Sustained Excellence - Energy Efficiency Program Delivery
The Urban Land Institute (ULI) is a real estate industry group. ULI promoted the use of ENERGY STAR® tools and resources through its robust network of real estate partners, driving program participation and best practices in energy management and building decarbonization. Key 2023 accomplishments include:
- Using ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager® for its U.S. Greenprint member energy analysis, increasing the number of buildings analyzed to more than 16,500.
- Leveraging its Urban Land magazine to publish articles on net zero tenant engagement, retrofitting buildings with efficient equipment, and funding opportunities for decarbonizing buildings. All articles featured ENERGY STAR as a resource for data sharing and collaboration, as well as ENERGY STAR certification.
- Hosting an embodied carbon convening session, including developers and the, construction, concrete, and steel supplier industries.
- Promoting ENERGY STAR initiatives, including Certification Nation, ENERGY STAR NextGen, the Building Emissions Calculator, and Portfolio Manager Data Explorer.
- Reaching more than 5,000 people through presentations on the Fannie Mae Energy and Water Survey; embodied carbon; tenant alignment; environmental, social, and governance strategies and regulations; net zero; climate policy; and more.