Partner of the Year - Sustained Excellence - Energy Rating Company

PEG, a home energy rating and HVAC design engineering company, certified 7,800 homes as ENERGY STAR in 2023, for a total of over 104,000 since 2007. Key 2023 accomplishments include:
- Expanding ENERGY STAR participation with both existing and new builder partners and recruiting several regional builders that will deliver thousands of new ENERGY STAR certified homes.
- Providing home builders with gap analysis modeling for ENERGY STAR compliance, including materials and methods options, cost-benefit analysis, scope of work review and revision by key trades, projected incentive aggregation, and reduced warranty claim exposure.
- Hosting more than 25 training sessions to help verifiers and builders refine their understanding of HVAC grading for ENERGY STAR certified homes and develop the knowledge and skills needed to implement Air Conditioning Contractors of America 310 testing protocols.
- Facilitating educational sessions at statewide events across the Mid-Atlantic area on ENERGY STAR program requirements, utility rebates, and the Section 45L federal tax credit.
- Developing a comprehensive cloud-based ENERGY STAR dashboard system with automated data transmission and reporting tied to inspection scheduling, enabling mass transmission of inspection status and individualized results for each builder per home.
- Modeling ENERGY STAR Version 3.2 program requirements for more than 700 unique house designs across states with varying climates and foundation types to help builder clients prepare for upcoming program changes.