Paramount Group, Inc.
New York,
New York
Partner of the Year - Sustained Excellence - Energy Management
Paramount Group, Inc. is a fully integrated equity real estate investment trust. Paramount Group has demonstrated a commitment to energy management and ENERGY STAR®, leveraging ENERGY STAR tools, resources, and recognition opportunities to promote best practices to internal and external audiences. Key 2023 accomplishments include:
- Achieving ENERGY STAR certification for 13 properties, representing 100% of its portfolio.
- Integrating green lease language into its energy management program, requiring tenants to share utility data for upload into ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager® and provide annual consumption statistics.
- Developing environmental, social, and governance marketing materials highlighting ENERGY STAR certifications and ENERGY STAR Tenant Space recognition, which is shared with existing and prospective tenants.
- Restructuring tenant energy bills to provide tenants with an understanding of their energy consumption and to encourage behavior change. The new bill provides tenants with historical usage, compares their consumption against other similar tenant spaces, and utilizes equivalencies to help convey the impact of their consumption. The bottom of each bill also lists energy conservation strategies, including the promotion of ENERGY STAR certified equipment and the ENERGY STAR Tenant Space recognition.
- Adopting an internal carbon shadow price to help evaluate low-carbon investments and risks.
- Promoting ENERGY STAR to tenants via lobby screens, e-blasts, and one-pagers with ENERGY STAR certification information, internal and external signage, newsletters, and webinars.