Houston Habitat for Humanity
Partner of the Year - Sustained Excellence - New Home Builder and Affordable Housing
Houston Habitat for Humanity, an affordable homebuilder and volunteer organization, has constructed 770 ENERGY STAR certified homes since joining the program in 1996. Key 2023 accomplishments include:
- Building all new homes to be ENERGY STAR certified and making energy efficiency improvements to more than 820 existing homes as part of its ongoing Hurricane Harvey recovery program.
- Continuing to promote ENERGY STAR in all print and electronic media, including throughout its website, on all external jobsite signage, and in all collateral pieces given to donors, which has helped attract the financial support needed for energy-efficient building practices.
- Having a dedicated staff member ensuring that homeowners understand the energy efficiency features of their new home, including conducting a 2-hour walk-through where all ENERGY STAR features are explained and demonstrated.
- Implementing quality control measures and training all construction staff and subcontractors with support from its energy rating company to ensure that all ENERGY STAR program requirements are met.