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Electric Vehicle Chargers
ENERGY STAR Electric Vehicle & Plug-in Hybrid Incentives
Incentives and Rebates Available for the Purchase of Electric Vehicles and Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles.
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56 Records Found
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Federal (2)
State (19)
State/Local (3)
Utility (32)
Rebates available in
United States
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Federal EV Tax Credit
Federal Sponsored
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Federal Used EV Tax Credit
Federal Sponsored
Rebates available in
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Alaska Power & Telephone Company EV Rebate
Utility Sponsored
Rebates available in
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EV Grants
State Sponsored
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San Joaquin Valley EV Rebate
State Sponsored
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Antelope Valley EV Rebate
State/Local Sponsored
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Bay Area EV Grant
State/Local Sponsored
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El Dorado County EV Rebate
State/Local Sponsored
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CCCE EV Rebate
Utility Sponsored
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TID EV Rebate
Utility Sponsored
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Pasadena Water & Power EV Rebate
Utility Sponsored
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Peninsula Clean Energy Used EV Rebate
Utility Sponsored
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Alameda Municipal Power Used EV Rebate
Utility Sponsored
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Pacific Gas and Electric Used EV Rebates
Utility Sponsored
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Silicon Valley Power EV Rebate
Utility Sponsored
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Burbank Power and Water Used EV Rebate
Utility Sponsored
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LADWP Used EV Rebate
Utility Sponsored
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MCE EV Rebate
Utility Sponsored
Rebates available in
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Colorado EV Tax Credit
State Sponsored
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Xcel Energy EV Rebate
Utility Sponsored