HVAC Quality Installation
Ask your HVAC contractor about quality installation to ensure that:
Your equipment is properly designed and sized for your home
Oversized equipment may cycle too frequently, resulting in less comfort and a shortened lifespan. Make sure that your contractor uses the actual characteristics of your home to determine the equipment that is right-sized for your home to optimize performance, and do not just rely on a ‘rule of thumb.’
System airflow is optimized
Poor system airflow can result in reduced efficiency, higher utility bills, overly damp air, reduced comfort, and shortened equipment lifespan. Ask your contractor to ensure that your new system’s airflow meets manufacturer performance specifications.
The proper amount of refrigerant is installed
Properly charging an air conditioner or heat pump helps reduce energy consumption and decreases the risk of system failure. Make sure that your contractor tests and adjusts the system’s refrigerant charge for optimal comfort and efficiency.
Your home’s ducts are evaluated
Leaky ducts waste energy dollars. They can also reduce airflow, resulting in reduced comfort. Ask your contractor to inspect your home’s duct system, perform a leakage test, and make necessary repairs.
Find an HVAC contractor who offers quality installation:
The Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) has a list of accredited HVAC contractors who participate in its Quality Assured Residential Services & Installation (RSI) program.