Ventilation Fans
For PartnersWhy ENERGY STAR?
ENERGY STAR certified ventilation fans:
- use about 50% less energy than standard models.
- provide better efficiency and comfort with less noise.
- feature high performance motors and improved blade design, providing better performance and longer life.
Installing adequate ventilation helps to alleviate many common household problems. It also helps to control moisture and remove objectionable odors.
If all residential ventilation fans sold in the United States were ENERGY STAR certified, the energy cost savings would grow to $280 million each year, and 3.4 billion pounds of annual greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented, equivalent to the emissions from nearly 330,000 vehicles.

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What should I look for when buying a ventilation fan?
Products that are recognized as ENERGY STAR Most Efficient deliver cutting edge energy efficiency along with the latest in technological innovation. They represent the very best for energy savings and environmental protection. Find Most Efficient ventilation fans here.
Be sure to look for the ENERGY STAR when shopping for a ventilation fan
Current Specification Effective Date: October 1, 2015
- Ventilation fans originally qualified for the ENERGY STAR label in June, 2001. ENERGY STAR certified ventilation fans that include lighting use 70% less energy on average than standard models.
- Must meet maximum allowable sound levels (in sones), minimum efficacy levels (in cubic feet of airflow per minute per watt (cfm/W)), and a percentage of 0.1 in. w.g. static pressure rated airflow at 0.25 in. w.g. static pressure. These various factors differ according to fan type and airflow.

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