Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) Specification Version 3.0
The U.S. Department of Energy is pleased to issue the final version of the ENERGY STAR Criteria for CFLs — Version 3.0 (dated 10/30/03), which went into effect on January 1, 2004.
Below is the final criteria along with a letter from DOE that provides clarification on the key testing requirements or issues that were raised by partners during the third comment period, as well as topics that were not incorporated into the criteria at this time.
- Final ENERGY STAR Criteria for CFLs — Version 3.0 (dated 10/30/03) (PDF, 218 KB)
- Letter from Richard Karney, ENERGY STAR Program Manager, that provides clarification on final criteria (PDF, 125 KB)
Historical Information:
- A letter from Richard Karney, ENERGY STAR Program Manager, that reviews the reasons for this update (PDF, 1.8 MB)
- 1st Draft Revision of the ENERGY STAR Criteria for CFLs (as of 12/12/02) (PDF, 185 KB)
- 2nd Draft Revision of the ENERGY STAR Criteria for CFLs (as of 4/15/03) (PDF, 223 KB)
- 3rd Draft Revision of the ENERGY STAR Criteria for CFLs (Version 3.0) (as of 8/26/03) (PDF, 240 KB)
- Letter from U.S. Department of Energy which provides commentary on 2nd round comments and an overview of the transition from the current ENERGY STAR CFL criteria to when the new criteria will go into effect on January 1, 2004 (PDF, 171 KB)
There were three comment periods for this criteria change and those partner and stakeholder comments are posted below.
If you have any questions, please contact either Richard Karney or Ronald Lewis at, or Susan Gardner at
The timeline for the revised ENERGY STAR Criteria for CFLs is:
- December 12, 2002: Send out 1st revised criteria draft to Partners and Stakeholders for comment
- January 24, 2003: First Round of Comments Due; DOE compiles comments and revises criteria
- April 15, 2003: Send out 2nd revised criteria draft to Partners and Stakeholders for comment
- April 29, 2003: ENERGY STAR CFL Partner & Stakeholder Meeting in Washington, D.C.
- June 4, 2003: Second Round of Comments Due; DOE compiles comments and revises criteria
- August 28, 2003: Send out 3rd and final revised criteria draft to Partners and Stakeholders for comment
- September 19, 2003: Third Round of Comments Due; DOE compiles comments and revises criteria
- October 1, 2003: Tentative Release Date of final version of the ENERGY STAR criteria for CFLs (Version 3.0)
- January 1, 2004: Effective Date of the ENERGY STAR criteria for CFLs (Version 3.0)
For those interested parties who could not attend the ENERGY STAR CFL criteria meeting on April 29, 2003, which was held at U.S. Department of Energy’s Headquarters in Washington, D.C., below are the meeting’s presentation and meeting notes for your review.
- ENERGY STAR CFL Criteria Comparison Presentation (PowerPoint, 173 KB))
- ENERGY STAR CFL Criteria Meeting Summary Notes (Word, 138 KB))
1st Round of Stakeholder Comments on Proposed Specification:
- CE Lighting of North America (PDF, 5.2 KB), January 2003
- Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) (PDF, 168 KB), January 2003
- Dash Lighting (PDF, 92.4 KB), January 2003
- Idaho Power (PDF, 50.2 KB), January 27, 2003
- Intertek Testing Services (ITS) (PDF, 14.4 KB), January 2003
- Lighting Research Center (LRC) (PDF, 845 KB), January 2003
- MAXLITE (PDF, 52.7 KB), January 24, 2003
- National Electrical Manufacturers Assoc. (PDF, 51.9 KB), January 10, 2003
- National Electrical Manufacturers Assoc. Final Comments , January 24, 2003
- Natural Resources Defense Council (PDF, 29.4 KB), January 7, 2003
- Osram Foshan Lighting Co. Ltd. (PDF, 8.7 KB), January, 2003
- Roberts Research and Consulting (PDF, 37.9 KB), January 2003
- Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (TCP) (PDF, 86.8 KB), January 23, 2003
- Westinghouse Lighting Corporation (PDF, 30.1 KB), January 2003
2nd Round of Stakeholder Comments on Proposed Specification:
- Consortium for Energy Efficiency (PDF, 186 KB), May 30, 2003
- Conglom, Inc. (PDF, 60.5 KB), May 22, 2003
- Feit Electric (PDF, 54.9 KB), April 15, 2003
- Greenlite Lighting Corporation (PDF, 32.4 KB)
- Intertek Testing Services (PDF, 30.3 KB), May 6, 2003
- National Electrical Manufacturers Assn. (PDF, 241 KB), May 30, 2003
- National Resource Defense Council (PDF, 103 KB), May 7, 2003
- Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (PDF, 50 KB)
3rd Round of Stakeholder Comments on Proposed Specification:
- Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) (PDF, 188 KB)
- Lighting Research Center (LRC) (PDF, 630 KB)
- Intertek Testing Services (ITS) (PDF, 14 KB)
- National Electrical Manufacturers Assoc. (NEMA) (PDF, 152 KB)
- Technical Consumer Products, Inc. (PDF, 70 KB)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (PDF, 9.6 KB)