SHEMS Utility Leadership Roundtable
The EPA’s ENERGY STAR Smart Home Energy Management Systems (SHEMS) program has established a utility roundtable designed to help advance smart home energy management systems. Below are some frequently asked questions about the Roundtable.
The roundtable is an assembly of utility industry professionals with an interest in learning about and/or deploying smart home solutions at their utility. It is comprised of utility experts interested in leveraging smart home solutions for energy efficiency, consumer engagement, new homes and builder programs, distributed energy resource management, and demand response and more. Participants are encouraged to attend quarterly meetings and provide valuable feedback on program materials—both during meetings and throughout the year via email. The Roundtable will publish two white papers in 2024 including a Best Practices Guide and an Industry Case Study collection.
The roundtable was formed to convene utilities and utility program implementers in growing and deploying ENERGY STAR SHEMS. It is a forum to share best practices for successful smart home deployments across the United States and work with technology providers to get more smart home platforms certified to the ENERGY STAR specification.
Utility professionals and implementers with an interest in utilizing smart home solutions for energy reduction are eligible to join.
Participants agree to participate in quarterly meetings and provide feedback during these meetings, as well as in periods in-between, when documents are circulated.
EPA hopes that participants will learn from each other and utilize EPA as a resource for understanding how to successfully deploy smart home systems to help achieve multiple goals, customer engagement, energy reductions, peak energy management, and demand response.
The utility roundtable quarterly meetings are for utility program managers and implementers but there will be opportunities to convene with smart home platform service providers. One example is the annual ENERGY STAR Products Partner Meeting, click here to learn more. To help advance smart home systems that deliver on consumer amenities and utility program goals, EPA is hosting a showcase for stakeholders at the annual Partner Meeting on Thursday, September 19th. This event will present the work products from the ENERGY STAR SHEMS Utility Roundtable and offer a technology showcase for companies who have completed or are close to completing ENERGY STAR certification of their smart home energy management systems.
This event will provide an opportunity for utilities to share their program plans and lessons learned and industry solutions providers to showcase their technology. If you would like to showcase your smart home management solution, contact Amanda Warwood,
Utilities are looking to engage with their customers in ways that allow them to meet their energy efficiency goals as well as their customer satisfaction ones. This means that they must “meet their customers where they” are by offering bring your own device program models that allow for customers to be in control of their energy use, but also offer automated energy reduction in a way that is convenient for them.
The EPA’s ENERGY STAR Smart Home Energy Management Systems (SHEMS) certification provides utilities with assurance that the smart home systems they want to roll out to their customers prioritize energy reduction and their goals for demand response, peak energy management, time of use pricing integration and customer engagement. The ENERGY STAR SHEMS certification also brings utilities and smart home platform providers together to collectively improve reliability of the electric grid which is critical for both industries. There are many smart home systems on the market, including those marketing for security, convenience, and entertainment. The ENERGY STAR SHEMS requirements ensure that certified systems offer a wide range of important functionality including integration with demand response programs, programmable settings including home and away modes, occupancy sensors that signal to the system that lights should be dimmed or shut off and thermostats adjusted when people leave the home.
The ENERGY STAR certification assures utilities that they are using are tested and vetted solutions with a commitment to proactive energy management.
Utilities and Smart Home Platform Providers can benefit from the ENERGY STAR certification in the following ways:
- Utilities can partner with smart home platform service providers to roll out ENERGY STAR certified SHEMS platforms with new licensing agreements to their utility customers
- Utilities can co-brand or label a certified platform
- Utilities can leverage SHEMS certifications in their proposals to State and Federal grant funding to demonstrate energy efficiency and carbon reduction goals.
- States may be able to leverage a certified platform to help meet measured savings goals for the HOMES rebate program. (need to look into this)
Using the power of the ENERGY STAR certification helps consumers and utilities know that your company has a commitment to third party certification and best in class energy management!
Roundtable Participants
PSEG Long Island
Southwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCO), an AEP Company
Mississippi Power
Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp
CenterPoint Energy
Consumers Energy
Duke Energy
Focus Energy
Ocala Electric Utility
2024 Schedule of Events
- April 4th, 2024: ENERGY STAR SHEMS Utility Roundtable Kick-Off Call
- Utility Leadership Roundtable Kick-Off Meeting Minutes_04042024.docx (DOCX, 167.71 KB)
- June 13th, 2024: ENERGY STAR SHEMS Utility Program Case Studies
- SHEMS Utility Roundtable Case Studies Meeting Minutes_06.13.2024 (DOCX, 31.72 KB)
- September 17-19th, 2024: Tentative In-Person Event: ENERGY STAR SHEMS Program & Solution Showcase
- November 19th, 2024: ENERGY STAR SHEMS Program Priorities for the Future