Low Temperature Freezer Technology and Energy Efficiency

As people across the country begin to receive COVID-19 vaccines, cities, states and hospitals are working to purchase medical-grade freezers to store them. Leading ENERGY STAR partners are rising to the need, providing ultra-low temperature (ULT) technology and sustained energy savings. Products are available from these ENERGY STAR partners:
- PHCbi
- Stirling Ultracold
- Panasonic
- Haier
- Nuaire
- Thermo Fisher Scientific
- Thermo Fisher
- Eppendorpf
- Liebherr
- Binder
- B Medical Services
Some of the vaccines that have received Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the FDA or have applied for EUA need to be stored at ultra-low temperatures—some colder than winter in Antarctica—in order to remain stable. Laboratory grade freezers are products used specifically for storing non-volatile reagents and biological specimens in laboratory settings, including hospitals, clinics, university and government research laboratories, and pharmaceutical manufacturing plants. They are designed to contain chemicals or biological specimens at stable, low temperatures.
The ENERGY STAR label is earned by laboratory grade refrigerators and freezers across a range of product types and sizes, allowing customers to purchase efficient products right-sized and properly controlled for their needs. A conventional ULT freezer can use approximately 20 kWh of energy per day, which is equivalent to energy use of the average U.S. household. ENERGY STAR certified laboratory grade equipment can reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills using technologies such as more efficient cooling compressors, advanced microprocessor temperature control and defrost sensors, more efficient high-capacity air circulation systems, and innovative refrigerants.
Eligible Products:
- General purpose laboratory grade refrigerators
- High performance laboratory grade refrigerators
- General purpose laboratory grade freezers
- High performance laboratory grade freezers
- Ultra-low temperature freezers
Purchasing ENERGY STAR certified laboratory grade equipment will help reduce medical facilities’ costly energy bills, while ensuring the safe storage of a variety of chemicals and specimens. Equipment purchasers can research available products with the ENERGY STAR Product Finder tool here.