Inclusive Utility Investment Resource Library
The following resources may provide additional insights and learning
Consumer Protections
- Energy Efficiency Institute (2021). PAYS® Essential Elements & Minimum Program Requirements
- National Regulatory Research Institute (2020). Utility Tariff On-Bill Financing: Provisions and Precautions for Equitable Programs (
- Southern Environmental Law Center. (2021). SELC Review of Recommendations to Protect the Interests of Low-Income Customers Under PAYS.pdf (225.32 KB)
Program Filings and Model Tariffs
- Energy Efficiency Institute model tariffs for investor-owned, municipal, and cooperative utilities
Inclusive Utility Investment Research
- Bickel, S., J. Ferguson, D. Kauffman. (2020). Utility Value of a Pay As You Save Program. ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings.
- Building Decarbonization Coalition. (2020) Towards an Accessible Financing Solution: A Policy Roadmap with Program Implementation Considerations for Tariffed On-Bill Programs in California
- Cadmus. (2019). Tariffed On-Bill Financing Feasibility: Assessment of Innovative Financing Structures for Minnesota
- Deason, J., Murphy, S. Leventis, G (2024), Participant outcomes in residential Pay As You Save® programs
- Hummel, H., H. Lachman. (2018) What is inclusive financing, and why are some of the largest states in the country calling for it now? Proceedings of ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Summary.
Inclusive Utility Investment in Context
- ACEEE Finance Forum Day 2 Plenary Keynote ᛫ Dr. Tony Reams Sr Advisor on Energy Justice U.S. DOE
- American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy. (2017). On-Bill Energy Efficiency | ACEEE: Toolkit.
- Clean Energy Works. Utility investment vs. consumer loans: Getting to yes on energy efficiency through inclusive financing for all from ACEEE’s 2019 Behavior Energy and Climate Change (BECC) conference. Slides from the presentation available here.
- Liberty Homes. (2021) Inclusive Utility Investment with Pay As You Save.
- Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance. (2020) Utility Guide for Tariffed On-Bill Programs.
- State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network. (2017). Energy Efficiency Financing for Low- and Moderate-Income Households: Current State of the Market, Issues, and Opportunities
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2021). Clean Energy Financing Programs: A Decision Resource for States and Communities | US EPA
Federal Sources of Capital
- U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Development Programs. (2021).
- U.S Department of Energy, Loan Programs Office. (2021). Renewable Energy & Efficiency Energy Projects Loan Guarantees
Additional Resources
- Case Study: Making Energy Efficiency Upgrades More Accessible - Leveraging Inclusive Utility Investments with the Kansas Weatherization Assistance Program
- Brown, Marilyn, et al., Progress in Energy. (2020). High energy burden and low-income energy affordability: conclusions from a literature review
- Chart comparing key features of PAYS to On-bill Loans and PACE
- U.S. Department of Energy, Better Buildings Solutions Center, Clean Energy for Low Income Communities Accelerator (CELICA) Issue Brief on Tariffed On-Bill Programs (2018).
- U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. (2021). Low-Income Energy Affordability Data (LEAD) Tool
- NAACP. (2017). Light Out in the Cold: Reforming Utility Shut-Off Policies As if Human Rights Matter.