Commercial Ovens
For PartnersWhy ENERGY STAR?
Commercial ovens are one of the most widely used appliances in the foodservice industry. These are the workhorses of the commercial kitchen, with a wide variety of uses from baking and roasting to warming and reheating. In addition to traditional uses, convection ovens are used for nearly all types of food preparation, including foods typically prepared using other types of appliances (e.g., griddles, fryers, etc.). Commercial ovens that have earned the ENERGY STAR are about 20 percent more energy efficient than standard models.
Eligible commercial ovens can earn the ENERGY STAR by meeting minimum cooking energy efficiency, as well as a maximum idle energy rates. Cooking energy efficiency represents the amount of energy absorbed by the food product compared to the total energy used by the oven during the cooking process. The idle energy rate represents the energy used by the oven while it is maintaining or holding at a stabilized temperature. Additionally, ENERGY STAR certified combination ovens can save on the water consumption rate during periods of cooking in steam and convection modes.
ENERGY STAR certified gas and electric convection ovens are on average about 20% more energy efficient than standard models. A gas convection oven that has earned the ENERGY STAR can save about 180 Therms/year in energy and nearly $140 annually on utility bills, while an electric full-size convection ovens can save approximately 650 kWh/year in energy and nearly $70 on utility costs. ENERGY STAR certified gas convection ovens must meet the specification requirements of 49 percent cooking energy efficiency and idle energy rate of 9,500 Btu/h. ENERGY STAR certified half-size electric convection ovens must meet the specification requirements of 71 percent cooking energy efficiency and an idle energy rate of 1.0 kW while full-size electric convection ovens must meet 76 percent cooking energy efficiency and an idle energy rate of 1.4 kW with a pan capacity of ≥ 5 and 1.0 kW with a pan capacity of < 5. In addition, there is a new water consumption rate reporting requirement for convection ovens that have steam injection functionality.
The most recent commercial ovens ENERGY STAR specification has expanded scope for eligible combination ovens with the addition of a new water metric for ENERGY STAR certification. Half- and full-size gas combination ovens with a pan capacity ≥ 5 and ≤ 40; half- and full-size electric combination ovens with a pan capacity ≥ 3 and ≤ 40 and 2/3-size electric combination ovens with a 3-5 pan capacity are eligible for ENERGY STAR certification by achieving idle and cooking energy efficiency levels in both convection mode and steam mode, as well as a limit on water consumption rates in both steam and convection modes during cooking periods.
Single and double gas rack ovens remain as some of the larger types of commercial ovens eligible for ENERGY STAR certification. These large commercial ovens are frequently used in high volume backing facilities and other food service operations, such as supermarkets, high volume bakeries, and institutions. Similar with convection and combination ovens, rack ovens must not exceed energy idle rate requirements of 25,000 Btu/h and 30,000 Btu/h for single- and double-size gas rack ovens, respectively, and must achieve minimum baking energy efficiency criteria of 48 percent and 52 percent. Rack ovens also have a water consumption rate reporting requirement.
Savings figures:
- About 20 percent more energy efficient than standard models
- An ENERGY STAR certified electric convection oven saves businesses about $70 annually and $670 on utility bills over the product's lifetime when compared to standard models
- An ENERGY STAR certified electric convection oven saves businesses about 650 kWh annually
- An ENERGY STAR certified gas convection oven saves businesses about $1400 on utility bills over the product's lifetime when compared to a standard model
- An ENERGY STAR certified gas convection oven saves businesses about 220 MMBTU in energy over its lifetime
- An ENERGY STAR certified electric combination oven saves businesses about $800 annually and $7,300 on utility bills over the product's lifetime when compared to standard models
- An ENERGY STAR certified electric combination oven saves businesses about 7,100 kWh annually
- An ENERGY STAR certified gas combination oven saves businesses about $210 annually and $2,100 on utility bills over the product's lifetime when compared to a standard model
- An ENERGY STAR certified gas combination oven saves businesses about 330 MMBTU in energy over its lifetime
- An ENERGY STAR certified double-size gas rack oven can save businesses about $3,000 on utility bills over the product's lifetime
- An ENERGY STAR certified gas rack oven saves businesses about 25 MMBTU annually
Eligible products:
- Electric convection ovens (half and full-size)
- Gas convection ovens (full-size)
- Gas combination ovens (pan capacity ≥ 5 and ≤40)
- Electric combination ovens (pan capacity ≥3 and ≤40)
- 2/3-size electric combination ovens (pan capacity ≥ 3 and ≤5)
- Single and double gas rack ovens
Ineligible products:
- Conventional or standard ovens
- Conveyor, slow cook-and-hold, deck, mini-rack, range, rapid cook, and rotisserie ovens
- Gas and electric combination ovens with a pan capacity other than listed above
- Dual-fuel heat source combination ovens
- Certain hybrid ovens such as those incorporating microwave settings
Additional resources:
- ENERGY STAR Commercial Ovens Sell Sheet
- ENERGY STAR CFS Tools, Materials, and Resources
Rebate Finder
Our partners sponsor rebates on certified products.
Helpful resources for buying a commercial oven:
Purchasing ENERGY STAR certified CFS equipment can cut utility costs and maintenance without sacrificing features, quality, or style. Many utilities also offer rebates to offset the purchase price of ENERGY STAR equipment.
ENERGY STAR Where to Buy List
For a list of ENERGY STAR dealers and distributors that sell ENERGY STAR certified equipment, visit the ENERGY STAR Where to Buy List. Please contact if you would like to be added to the list.
For a list of CFS incentives, please visit the ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder.
Be sure to look for the ENERGY STAR when shopping for commercial ovens
Current Specification Effective Date: October 7, 2015
- Covers gas and electric, full-size convection ovens; gas, half-size convection ovens; gas and electric half- and full-size combination ovens; and gas, single and double rack ovens, which all must meet idle energy rates and minimum cooking or baking energy efficiency levels
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