Action Councils
ENERGY STAR partners often compete with one another to sell more efficient products in the marketplace. So, it may come as a surprise to learn that these competitors actively collaborate with ENERGY STAR to advance program designs that work in the marketplace and to tackle cross cutting barriers.
The ENERGY STAR Retail Action Council (ESRAC), the longest standing action council, includes Best Buy, The Home Depot, Lowes, and Nationwide Marketing Group (a buying group representing independent retailers). For over ten years, ESRAC has worked collaboratively to:
- Make incentive programs cost-effective and productive,
- Institutionalize best practices,
- Mitigate operational and administrative barriers.

The council helped establish a successful midstream program called ENERGY STAR Retail Products Platform (ESRPP) by streamlining and harmonizing energy efficiency programs with retailers making them less complex and more cost-effective. As of 2023, the ESRPP collaborative includes 15 program sponsors representing 11 states, spanning more than 1,000 retail stores, and covering approximately 21% of US households. ESRPP allows participants to leverage each other’s resources and shared objectives, to avoid duplication of effort and redundancy across neighboring service territories, and to streamline operations.
In 2023, the EPA facilitated meetings between the ESRAC retailers and the Department of Energy to share best practices and lessons learned from implementing utility programs and ESRPP to help with planning for the Inflation Reduction Act's Home Energy Rebates. This includes encouraging consistency across states that will enable national retailers to ensure available product and provide in-store and online consumer education and marketing to maximize uptake.
Training On-Demand (Coming soon!)
ESMAC is developing an introductory webinar for contractors on heat pump water heater technology, product benefits, and the business case for stocking and promoting.
Following completion, attendees will be encouraged to reach out to individual manufacturers to complete model-specific training.
The ENERGY STAR Manufacturer Action Council (ESMAC) for Heat Pump Water Heaters was formed in 2020 and consists of 11 heat pump water heater manufacturers. ESMAC works collaboratively to identify and advance program designs that contribute to successful heat pump water heater programs. ESMAC is enthusiastic to work with program administrators who:
- Offer or plan to offer robust incentives for heat pump water heaters.
- Are interested in or already administer point-of-sale discount programs at retail and/or via distributors.
- Work in a large region or are willing to partner with other utilities or states to sponsor trainings.
- Have a genuine drive to improve participation in their heat pump water heater incentive program.
A major focal area for ESMAC is workforce development, which is essential to support growing interest and demand for heat pump water heaters.
ESMAC regularly conducts introductory product and installation overview sessions for contractors to learn about heat pump water heater technology and begin the journey to becoming a qualified installer. These sessions are generally sponsored by a utility or state-wide energy efficiency program administrator and are offered free of charge. Sessions can be conducted in-person or virtually and are usually offered in the mornings to minimally impact contractor schedules. Over 2,000 contractors and industry partners have attended ESMAC sessions to date.
The ENERGY STAR HVAC Efficiency Action Team (HEAT) was established in 2023 and is comprised of heat pump manufacturers from across the country. HEAT’s mission is to advance the sale of efficient heat pump products through collaborative action and partnership with the goal of creating a clean energy future that promotes efficiency, comfort, and safety for customers. The HEAT council is recognized as a resource for subject matter expertise throughout the industry on a national scale. HEAT hosts monthly meetings to work on collaborative marketing, sales channel engagement, industry partnerships, specifications, and advocacy. HEAT acts as a venue to facilitate information sharing among ENERGY STAR partners. Discussion topics include:
- Informing program design best practices
- Product, installation, and sales training opportunities
- Collaborative marketing and promotion strategies
- Optimizing sales channel engagement – contractor, wholesaler/distributor
- Conversations with industry subject matter experts and guest speakers
To learn more or connect with Action Councils, please email your account manager. If you do not know your account manager, email and identify your state.