How to Become an HVAC Quality Installation Training and Oversight Organization (“H-QUITO”)
HVAC Quality Installation Training and Oversight Organizations (H-QUITOs) are independent, third-party oversight organizations recognized by EPA to provide the required training and oversight activities for HVAC contractors participating in the ENERGY STAR Residential New Construction program. EPA is interested in working with any organization that wants to participate in this role, provided that it meets the program specific criteria, submits an application to EPA, and abides by the program requirements.
Eligibility Requirements
To participate as an H-QUITO, an organization must meet the following criteria:
- Status as a 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(6) not-for-profit corporation
- Ability to provide oversight services across the continental United States
- Not directly involved in the selling, installing, and/or maintaining of HVAC equipment.
- Maintain a governing Board of Directors or Executive Committee with no single entity predominating
- Operate a credentialing/oversight program that allows for open participation by any qualified HVAC contractor regardless of membership status in a trade organization, union, or other exclusive body
Organizations whose mission is to promote quality HVAC installations and energy efficient practices can expand their market reach and membership base by being recognized as an H-QUITO.
EPA supports H-QUITOs by listing them on the ENERGY STAR website and providing links to H-QUITO websites so that prospective contractors and verifiers can learn more about the H-QUITO and its services. EPA also works to facilitate communications with energy efficiency program sponsors, so H-QUITOs can increase the breadth and depth of their services.
Roles and Responsibilities
H-QUITOs are responsible for credentialing HVAC contractor companies as having the capabilities necessary to complete the ENERGY STAR HVAC Checklists.
The ENERGY STAR Residential New Construction program relies on Energy Rating Companies (ERCs) to play the primary role in reviewing key elements of the HVAC Design Report and verifying discrete attributes of the installed HVAC system. EPA also relies on Home Certification Organizations (HCOs) to oversee ERCs, issue the ENERGY STAR label for new homes and apartments, and address homeowner complaints.
The table below shows that H-QUITOs provide many of the same oversight services for the ENERGY STAR program.
- Develop and maintain a credentialing program for qualified HVAC contractors that demonstrate that they have the required knowledge, skills, abilities, tools, and policies to deliver quality installation services;
- Provide general orientation training on applicable ENERGY STAR programs and their application of HVAC quality installation requirements. Training must include instruction on how to complete all required ENERGY STAR program documentation;
- Maintain a publicly available online list of credentialed contractors;
- Provide oversight and conduct periodic quality assurance of participating contractors’ installations;
- Conduct periodic quality assurance (QA) reviews of participating contractors that are consistent with the scope of the H-QUITO’s credentialing program
- Report annually to EPA on the performance of the H-QUITOs program
How to Apply
An organization that is interested in becoming an H-QUITO must submit an Application for Recognition to EPA. Applicants are required to demonstrate that they meet the program’s eligibility criteria and can successfully perform the required roles and responsibilities set forth in the application and summarized above. EPA’s recognition of an H-QUITO relates solely and specifically to the ENERGY STAR Residential New Construction program and does not qualify the organization to implement or participate in other programs.
An agreement between EPA and an H-QUITO can be terminated if, after 60 days from EPA notice, deficiencies in program requirements are not resolved. For additional information or to request an application, contact