EPA-recognized Accreditation Bodies
Name | Location | Web site |
American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) | Maryland, USA | www.a2la.org |
ANSI National Accreditation Bureau (ANAB) | Virginia, USA | www.anab.org |
China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) | China | https://www.cnas.org.cn/english/index.shtml |
Dutch Accreditation Council (RvA) | The Netherlands | www.rva.nl/home |
Entidad Mexicana de Acreditación a.c. | Mexico | www.ema.org.mx |
Entidad Nacional de Acreditación (ENAC) | Spain | www.enac.es |
French Accreditation Committee (COFRAC) | France | www.cofrac.fr |
GCC Accreditation Center | Saudi Arabia | https://gac.org.sa |
German Accreditation Service (DAkkS) | Germany | www.dakks.de |
Guatemalan Accreditation Body (OGA) | Guatemala | https://www.oga.org.gt/ |
Hong Kong Accreditation Service | Hong Kong, China | http://www.itc.gov.hk/en/quality/hkas/about.htm |
International Accreditation Japan (IAJapan) | Japan | www.nite.go.jp/en/iajapan/index.html |
International Accreditation Service, Inc (IAS) | California, USA | www.iasonline.org |
Japan Accreditation Board (JAB) | Japan | https://www.jab.or.jp/en |
Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (KOLAS) | Republic of Korea | https://www.knab.go.kr/en/Introduction.do |
National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) | India | https://nabl-india.org/ |
National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality (INMETRO) | Brazil | https://www.gov.br/inmetro/en |
National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) | Maryland, USA | www.nist.gov |
Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation, Inc. (PJLA) | Michigan, USA | www.pjlabs.com |
Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) | Singapore | www.sac-accreditation.gov.sg |
Sistema Italiano di Accreditamento (ACCREDIA) | Italy | www.accredia.it |
Standards Council of Canada (SCC) | Canada | www.scc-ccn.ca |
Swedish Board for Accreditation and Conformity Assessment (SWEDAC) | Sweden | www.swedac.se/en |
Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF) | Taiwan | https://www.taftw.org.tw/en/ |
United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) | United Kingdom | www.ukas.com |
Voluntary EMC Laboratory Accreditation Center Inc. (VLAC) | Japan | www.vlac.co.jp/english/lab/index.html |