ENERGY STAR Focus on Energy Efficiency in Petroleum Refining
The “petroleum refining focus” is a partnership between EPA’s ENERGY STAR program and petroleum refiners to improve energy efficiency within their operations. Tools are available here to help improve manufacturing energy efficiency, save money, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Petroleum refiners can get started on a path of saving energy by using the ENERGY STAR Guidelines for Energy Management to build an energy management program, and then work within this petroleum refining focus to learn best practices from the industry. If you are a petroleum refiner who wants to get involved in your industry’s efforts to save energy, contact
Earn ENERGY STAR certification for Oil Refineries
ENERGY STAR certification recognizes U.S. refineries that achieve top quartile energy performance based on Solomon Associates’ scoring of the Energy Intensity Index (EII) within a refinery size class.

Certified refineries receive:
- Use of ENERGY STAR plant certification mark for flags and banners.
- Listing in a national registry of certified plants.
- Letter to company CEO with congratulations from U.S. EPA.
- Unique opportunities to enhance the plant’s position in the community, culture of energy efficiency and relationships with stakeholders.
To apply for this honor:
- Confirm the plant scores in top EII quartile for its size class. Contact Solomon Associates.
- Confirm plant meets environmental screening criteria. Email
- Secure Statement of Energy Performance (SEP) from Solomon Associates and have professional engineer verify the SEP and energy data.
- Download application materials from and submit application and SEP to
For information on the Solomon-EII®, contact Solomon Associates at the link to the right. For information on applying for ENERGY STAR certification, contact
Plant energy guide
Use the energy guide Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving Opportunities for Petroleum Refineries to find ways to improve petroleum refinery energy performance.