Corning Industrial Showcase

Who’s Hosted an Industrial Showcase pages feature companies that have opened their ENERGY STAR certified plants and Challenge Achiever sites to the community, local and government officials, energy utility representatives and key business stakeholders.
Corning hosted Industrial Showcase events at these ENERGY STAR Challenge Achiever Sites:
Manufacturing and Optical Communications Plant - Concord, NC
Showcase Date: March 10, 2016
Display Technologies Plant -Harrodsburg, NY
Showcase Date: April 8, 2016
Diesel Manufacturing & Environmental Technologies Plant - Painted Post, NY
Showcase Date: May 5, 2016
Specialty Material Plant - Canton, NY
Showcase Date: May 13, 2016
Corning Showcase Activities
- Energy team's poster session highlighting plant improvements
- Plant managers, executives, and EPA remarks
- Ceremony recognizing ENERGY STAR Challenge Achievers Sites
- Manufacturing and Optical Communications Plant Tour

“When presented with EPA’s new concept of hosting Industrial Showcases to celebrate and recognize Challenge for Industry Achiever sites, Corning Incorporated wholeheartedly agreed to participate. The events proved to be an invaluable opportunity to increase awareness, generate interest and spur ideas throughout the corporation from the executive level to the front line. Although each event was different, there was common end result, the pride of Corning’s employees as they shared their role and contribution in improving Corning’s energy efficiency and protecting our environment.”
- Patrick Jackson, Director of Global Energy Management, Corning