Database for Incentives and Joint Marketing Exchange (DIME)

The Database for Incentives and Joint Marketing Exchange (DIME) is an online, searchable tool to help manufacturers and retailers identify incentive and marketing opportunities for promoting ENERGY STAR certified products, and to enable all partners to coordinate with the appropriate contact from other partner organizations on promotional opportunities.

For a broad overview of current incentives being offered by ENERGY STAR energy efficiency program sponsors for appliances, consumer electronics, and lighting, please access the ENERGY STAR Program Summary of interest: Appliances PDF , HVAC & Smart Thermostat Programs PDF , Lighting PDF , or Water Heaters PDF Summaries are updated annually.

If you are an ENERGY STAR energy efficiency program sponsor, retailer, or product brand owner partner and have new or updated opportunities you would like to share with other partners via this public tool, please contact your ENERGY STAR account manager or send an e-mail message to

Disclaimer: EPA and DOE do not provide financial incentives for promoting or purchasing ENERGY STAR qualified products. This tool is provided as a courtesy to share information with partners on the financial incentives available from utilities and other energy-efficiency program sponsors. Please direct your questions and comments about these incentives to the requesting organization or sponsor.

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