The U.S. Licensed Professional’s Guide provides everything you need to know about verifying applications for ENERGY STAR certification. It outlines the step-by-step process and is required reading if you’re verifying applications for ENERGY STAR certification. Test your knowledge of the rules and policies for verifying ENERGY STAR Certification applications for commercial buildings by taking the new ENERGY STAR Quiz for Licensed Professionals!
Updates to the July 2024 version of the LP Guide include the following:
- Number of Computers – updates in the Property Use Details section concerning how the “Number of Computers” use detail should be calculated to reflect changes in work environments post-COVID.
- For office, financial office, bank branch, and courthouse, enter the total number of workstations occupied by a worker at least once per week as the “Number of Computers.” A workstation assigned to one worker would be considered a single workstation, and a “hoteling” space that is shared by multiple workers would also be considered a single workstation.
- For all other property types, enter the total count of desktop computers plus laptops/Chromebooks/netbooks that are used primarily on-site, and servers as the “Number of Computers.”
- For office, financial office, bank branch, and courthouse, enter the total number of workstations occupied by a worker at least once per week as the “Number of Computers.” A workstation assigned to one worker would be considered a single workstation, and a “hoteling” space that is shared by multiple workers would also be considered a single workstation.
- Cost-free verification - Announcement of new recognition for LPs participating in the program, as well as changes to the LP Finder to show the number of cost-free verifications an LP is making available on a cost-free basis to help building owners who cannot afford the fee. Also, there is a link to a new form for LPs to submit if they are interested in participating in the program.
- Indoor Environmental Quality - updated ASHRAE references and clarified IEQ measurement requirements.
- Review of energy consumption – Clarification that in addition to reviewing utility bills and invoices for bulk fuel purchases, other acceptable methods include reviewing aggregate whole-building level data provided by the utility, and data from building-owned master meters or sub-meters.
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