ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager Data Explorer
Dive into energy use data from over 150,000 U.S. commercial and multifamily properties using EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager® Data Explorer™. With this powerful tool, you can explore how much energy various buildings use, what their ENERGY STAR scores are, how much of their energy comes from electricity, and much more!
Who Might Use It?
- Researchers who want to see the distribution of ENERGY STAR scores for K-12 schools across the country and on a regional/state basis.
- Building owners who want to see how their building compares with others of similar size and age.
- Policy makers who want to look at average EUI values in their state for each major property type.
- Filter data by numerous characteristics, such as property type, size, location, age, and more.
- View results as a table or chart, including ranges, medians, and percentile values based on the filters applied.
- Download results in xls or csv format.
Get Started!
Portfolio Manager Data Explorer.
- User's Guide: Download our handy guide for step-by-step instructions.
About the Data
Data in the Portfolio Manager Data Explorer comes from EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager benchmarking tool. The data in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager is entered by individual account holders voluntarily or, in some cases, as required by a local or state law. Except for properties applying for ENERGY STAR certification (under 10,000 properties per year), EPA does not verify data entered in Portfolio Manager.
For the Portfolio Manager Data Explorer, EPA conducted a rigorous cleaning process, with the final dataset for each year representing over 150,000 U.S. properties of all types. EPA has cleaned the dataset with the aim of removing duplicate entries, test properties, and entries with clearly inaccurate data. In addition, to ensure that the Data Explorer search results reflect only those properties benchmarked using measured, whole-building energy and use characteristics data, EPA has removed properties that benchmark only a portion of their space or use default values. EPA makes no claim of accuracy for the data included in the Portfolio Manager Data Explorer nor has EPA determined that this data is fully representative of the U.S. building stock.
To ensure privacy, searching for an individual property is not possible and a query must return 6 or more properties to show aggregated results. Any query which returns 5 or fewer properties in the results will display a dash. Results of filtering the data in the Portfolio Manager Data Explorer are aggregated to produce median, percentile, and average values, with the total number of observations from any query shown as a range. Data for each year may not consist of the same group of properties since not all properties benchmark in Portfolio Manager every year.
Read details about the final dataset used in the Data Explorer and a technical explanation of the data cleaning process in Portfolio Manager Technical Reference: Data Explorer.