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Gary Swanson

7935 Stone Creek Drive
Suite 140
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Phone: (952) 767-7455

Verifications: 30

Credentials: Professional Engineer

Licensed in: MN

Cost-free verification offered: No

Types of properties verified: Bank Branch, Hotel, K-12 School, Non-Refrigerated Warehouse, Office, Residence Hall/Dormitory, Retail Store, Supermarket/Grocery Store, Worship Facility

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Export Results
Property Type Square Feet City State Zip Years Recognized
Bank Branch 42,900 Cloquet MN 55720 2011, 2012
Office 269,974 Chaska MN 55318 2011, 2014, 2015, 2016
Office 80,411 Minnetonka MN 55305 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
Residence Hall/Dormitory 55,567 Duluth MN 55811 2011
Hotel 32,364 Duluth MN 55811 2011
Office 14,400 Duluth MN 55802 2012
Worship Facility 26,668 Duluth MN 55807 2012
K-12 School 148,334 Hinckley MN 55037 2012
K-12 School 69,904 Barnum MN 55707 2012
K-12 School 90,332 Barnum MN 55703 2012
Retail Store 50,000 Duluth MN 55811 2012
K-12 School 250,000 Walker MN 56484 2012
K-12 School 36,000 Duluth MN 55804 2012
Office 5,000 Chanhassen MN 55317 2012
Residence Hall/Dormitory 46,515 Duluth MN 55811 2011
K-12 School 69,600 Hinkcley MN 55037 2012
Residence Hall/Dormitory 31,000 Duluth MN 55811 2011
Non-Refrigerated Warehouse 19,000 Duluth MN 55807 2013
Non-Refrigerated Warehouse 24,000 Duluth MN 55806 2011
Office 12,000 Royalton MN 56373 2012
Supermarket/Grocery Store 12,500 Bigfork MN 56628 2012
Retail Store 18,700 Walker MN 56484 2011