Southwestern Electric Power Company - SWEPCO
Excellence Awards - ENERGY STAR Marketing
Southwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCO) is an electric utility that serves over 470,000 residential customers in Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas. Through its commitment to promoting ENERGY STAR® certified product upgrades, including heating and cooling, water heating, and home envelope improvements, to homes across its territories, SWEPCO was able to capture more than 10.3 million impressions and 16.3 GWh of annual energy savings, while preventing greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to removing 2,571 cars from the roads. Key 2023 accomplishments include:
- Extensively marketing elements of the ENERGY STAR Home Upgrade to accelerate efficient electrification, including certified heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, smart thermostats, insulation, and windows in thousands of homes.
- Promoting ENERGY STAR throughout its owned channels, including its websites, newsletter and email, and social, engaging more than 1 million customers in its programs.
- Advertising ENERGY STAR through print, display, social, radio, and paid search, garnering 10+ million impressions and more than 200,000 clicks.
- Amplifying ENERGY STAR through participation in the national Earth Day and ENERGY STAR Day cause marketing campaigns.