Schneider Electric
Partner of the Year - Sustained Excellence - Service and Product Provider
Schneider Electric is an energy management and automation services company. Schneider Electric benchmarked more than 48,500 properties in ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager® and submitted nearly 150 buildings for ENERGY STAR certification. Key 2023 accomplishments include:
- Performing more than 38,400 water and 17,500 waste benchmarks for clients’ properties in Portfolio Manager.
- Sharing more than 110 posts of ENERGY STAR-related content on social media, reaching more than 1 million followers.
- Integrating Portfolio Manager data into its Electric Resource Advisor platform to identify and deliver ENERGY STAR certifications, energy compliance, and performance contracting as client services.
- Encouraging clients to pursue and participate in all ENERGY STAR recognition offerings, including property certifications, annual awards, and other initiatives and challenges.