Nissan North America, Inc.
Partner of the Year - Sustained Excellence - Energy Management
Nissan North America, Inc. is a motor vehicle manufacturer. Nissan promoted ENERGY STAR® resources to automotive suppliers, local communities and schools. Key 2023 accomplishments include:
- Earning ENERGY STAR certification for two auto assembly plants and one engine manufacturing plant.
- Achieving a 14% reduction in energy intensity over 2022.
- Conducting three ENERGY STAR Treasure Hunts where potential savings totaled more than 66,000 MMBtu.
- Renewing emphasis on the energy efficiency of compressed air systems to save $35,000 in October.
- Completing projects, including upgraded controls for hot water generators, conversion of pneumatic pumps to an electric version, and the installation of a water recirculation system, for 7,641 MMBtu in annual energy savings.
- Supporting the ENERGY STAR Focus on Energy Efficiency in Motor Vehicle Manufacturing.