Room Air Conditioner Specification Revised
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Friday, March 6, 2015
On February 20, 2015, EPA finalized its revision to the ENERGY STAR room air conditioner specification. The criteria establish strict new energy efficiency requirements for room air conditioners, providing meaningful, new energy and cost savings to the consumer and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
The updated requirements will highlight the top-performing room air conditioners across capacity classes. Certified products will include enhanced installation materials and instructions enabling greater consumer comfort and energy savings.
This specification also establishes optional “connected” criteria for room air conditioners. ENERGY STAR room air conditioners with connected functionality will offer consumers new convenience and energy-saving features, such as the ability to turn off the unit remotely when not at home, or providing feedback on the energy use of the product. These products will also be smart-grid ready, meaning they will give consumers the option to connect their room air conditioners with their local utilities to potentially save money on energy bills where those services are offered, and also facilitate broader electric power system efficiency.
COOL FACTs: Under the new criteria, ENERGY STAR room air conditioners will use, on average, approximately 10% less energy than required by minimum efficiency standards effective in 2014. If all room air conditioners sold in the United States met these new requirements, the utility cost savings would grow to more than $350 million each year and about 6 billion pounds of annual greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented, equivalent to the emissions from more than 570,000 vehicles.
To earn the ENERGY STAR label, products must be certified by an EPA-recognized third party, based on testing in an EPA-recognized laboratory. In addition, manufacturers of the products must participate in verification testing programs run by recognized certification bodies.
ENERGY STAR is the simple choice for energy efficiency. For more than 20 years, people across America have looked to EPA’s ENERGY STAR program for guidance on how to save energy, save money, and protect the environment. Behind each blue label is a product, building, or home that is independently certified to use less energy and cause fewer of the emissions that contribute to climate change. Today, ENERGY STAR is the most widely recognized symbol for energy efficiency in the world, helping families and businesses save $300 billion on utility bills, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions by two billion metric tons since 1992. Join the millions who are already making a difference at