More than 45% of US Households Purchase ENERGY STAR Certified Products
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Friday, February 26, 2016
According to the latest annual household survey conducted by the Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE), more than 45 percent of U.S. households report purchasing an ENERGY STAR certified product last year. This is similar to findings in prior year survey results. Consumer influence continues to be substantial with 77% of ENERGY STAR purchasers indicating the label was influential in their purchasing decision (52% reported it was “very” influential).
The survey data also reveal consumers’ high awareness of ENERGY STAR, as 88 percent of households recognized the label. An indicator of loyalty to the brand, 78 percent of households that recognized the label and purchased an ENERGY STAR-labeled product were likely to recommend ENERGY STAR to a friend.
Conducted during the fall of 2015, this was the 16th national survey for consumer awareness of ENERGY STAR. As in previous years, consumers in the 57 largest media markets were asked if they recognized the ENERGY STAR label, what they thought it meant and, for those that purchased an ENERGY STAR certified product or home, the influence the label had on their purchasing decision. To read the full report, visit:
ENERGY STAR is the simple choice for energy efficiency. For more than 20 years, people across America have looked to EPA’s ENERGY STAR program for guidance on how to save energy, save money, and protect the environment. Behind each blue label is a product, building, or home that is independently certified to use less energy and cause fewer of the emissions that contribute to climate change. Today, ENERGY STAR is the most widely recognized symbol for energy efficiency in the world, helping families and businesses save $362 billion on utility bills, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2.4 billion metric tons since 1992. Join the millions who are already making a difference at