2025 ENERGY STAR Award Applications
For All Applicants:
General Instructions (Word, 108.45 KB)
Application Part 1: Award Accomplishment Document
Partner of the Year
- Energy Management (Word, 131.78 KB)
- Sustained Excellence in Energy Management - Commercial Buildings (Word, 118.73 KB)
- Sustained Excellence in Energy Management - Industrial Plants (Word, 122.48 KB)
- Supplemental Guidance for Building Partners (Word, 685.61 KB)
- Energy Efficiency Program Delivery (Word, 191 KB)
- New Home Builder and Affordable Housing (Word, 134.47 KB)
- Energy Rating Company (Word, 125.5 KB)
- Product Brand Owner (Word, 138.4 KB)
- Retailer (Word, 122.3 KB)
- Service and Product Provider (Word, 121.48 KB)
Contractor of the Year
- Home Performance with ENERGY STAR (Word, 140.69 KB)
Excellence Awards
- Data Innovation (Word, 105.35 KB)
- ENERGY STAR Marketing (Word, 105.66 KB)
Questions? Partners may contact their account manager or email awards@energystar.gov.
Having accessibility issues? Contact us to receive your application in a fully-accessible PDF.
Updated 1:30 PM ET 7/31/2024