Entergy New Orleans
New Orleans,
Partner of the Year - Sustained Excellence - Energy Efficiency Program Delivery
Entergy New Orleans is an electric and gas utility. Entergy New Orleans’ program, Energy Smart, provided more than $250,000 in incentives, from direct install measures to rebates for home improvements. Key 2022 accomplishments include:
- Achieving ENERGY STAR certification for 31 buildings.
- Investing in advanced energy analytics platforms that optimize energy efficiency and provide measurement and verification after efficiency measures are implemented.
- Increasing tenant engagement efforts with its industrial tenants and joint-venture partners for its multi-family assets, which led to increased data access and benchmarking and a better understanding of sector performance.
- Pursuing decarbonization efforts including evaluation of embodied carbon in its building materials, purchasing property to dedicate to reforestation, and partnering with a renewable gas company to support the capture of methane emissions from decomposing organic matter.
- Highlighting ENERGY STAR achievements in its annual sustainability report, which is distributed to internal and external audiences.