City of Columbia Water & Light
Partner of the Year - Sustained Excellence - Energy Efficiency Program Delivery
City of Columbia Water & Light (CWL) is a municipal utility. CWL invested more than $1.5 million and completed more than 250 projects through its Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® program, saving participating customers a total of $70,000 on energy bills. Key 2022 accomplishments include:
- Offering rebates up to $1,200 and loans up to $15,000, with rates as low as 1%.
- Expanding outreach to income-eligible residents through an enhanced Home Performance program and partnering with a local nonprofit to distribute 820 energy and water efficiency kits.
- Increasing contractor participation by 50% through initiatives such as cash incentives for high energy-saving projects and tool-lending, which reduces costs for contractors.
- Offering free energy audits to more than 600 homes in targeted neighborhoods.