American Society for Health Care Engineering of the American Hospital Association
Partner of the Year - Sustained Excellence - Energy Efficiency Program Delivery
The American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE) of the American Hospital Association is a society whose members design, build, and operate health care facilities. ASHE has used ENERGY STAR® as a foundation for its Energy to Care program, helping hospitals achieve $550 million in energy savings since 2010. Key 2022 accomplishments include:
- Benchmarking over 4,400 health care facilities in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager® and using ENERGY STAR scores as the basis of its awards program.
- Creating a pro bono verification program to increase the number of ENERGY STAR certified healthcare facilities.
- Modeling its Energy to Care Treasure Hunt after the ENERGY STAR Treasure Hunt and identifying savings opportunities in five facilities ranging from $116,000 to $2 million.
- Sharing ENERGY STAR program updates, strategies, and best practices through its newsletter, member magazine, committees, social media channels, and annual conferences.